U Cluj – Rapid este una dintre cele mai intersante partide ale rundei care urmează în Superliga României. Fost jucător și antrenor la Rapid, Ioan Ovidiu Sabău are statistică pozitivă împotriva fostei echipe. Șase victorii […] The post Ioan Sabău e neînvins în duelurile cu Rapid din 2009! Dar, antrenorul lui U Cluj are o problemă pentru meciul de acum cu giuleștenii: atacantul de patru milioane de euro e în pericol să rateze derby-ul appeared first on Prosport.
The main conceptual idea is that Ioan Sabău, the coach of U Cluj, has a problem with his star striker potentially missing the upcoming derby against Rapid due to injury.
This is notable because:
* Sabău has a historically strong record against Rapid dating back to 2009.
* The missing striker is worth a significant sum (€4 million), suggesting his importance to U Cluj.
The main conceptual idea is that Ioan Sabău, the coach of U Cluj, has a problem with his star striker potentially missing the upcoming derby against Rapid due to injury. This is notable because: * Sabău has a historically strong record against Rapid dating back to 2009. * The missing striker is worth a significant sum (€4 million), suggesting his importance to U Cluj.